Saturday, October 16, 2010

Illustrator- Peley and Raji, left out, isolated from the rest of the class (Chapter 6) Blog #3

This image depicts three students working together while another is left out and isolated. This is what I imagine Peley and Raji experience so often in their class. The have no really consistent friends and the peers don't like to work with them or learn from them. This defeats the purpose of socialization that is so important for students. Students can learn from each other, use imaginative role play to work out ideas or issues but the exclusion of Raji and Peley because of their differences has defeated this important peice to the education puzzle. The word change is seen overlaying this image. And I agree, change is necessary for the right kind of learning experience to take place. More effort is needed to understand the cultural differences so that these students can fit in, make friends and have socialization.

-Elizabeth Francescotti

1 comment:

  1. I think the biggest problem with this image is the lack of teacher observation. Everytime we read about these interactions in Cultural Conflict, no teacher is seeing these problems happen. At some point, to me, when a student is struggling so much to be included, a teacher needs to step back, observe and react to help out.
